3 Easy to Follow Steps to Create a Video Content Strategy

3 Easy to Follow Steps to Create a Video Content Strategy

It’s no secret that videos are the lion’s share of a successful marketing strategy. Their popularity is perfectly indicated by the fact that in 2022, videos will already account for 82% of internet traffic. How can you create a video content strategy that boosts your business? Just follow these 3 easy steps!

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Why have videos become the most popular content on the internet?

  • Videos can provide a really intense experience and it is very difficult to compete with it. The combined effects of the visual world and subtitles, as well as image and sound effects create a more realistic universe than other contents.
  • We prefer to share videos rather than images and texts especially since the booming rise of social media.
  • Everyone loves watching videos.

How to create a video content strategy in 3 steps?

1. Stay theme specific!

The advice „Know your target audience” also applies in this case to the maximum. It’s worth digging deep into the habits of the audience you want to reach, because the more you know about them, the more effectively you can target them.

Be careful not to stray too far from the path you originally set in the content strategy. For example, if you’re sharing puppy parenting advice in your videos, it’s best to stick to dog-specific topics. This way you won’t confuse your audience and your viewers will always know exactly what to expect from you.

Ask the following questions.

  • What is the main topic I want to produce content about?
  • What platforms do I create videos for?
  • How will I measure the success of my videos?
  • What topics will I cover specifically?
  • How regularly do I come up with new content?

It’s a good idea to set up a content strategy schedule right now, where you can list the specific titles of the videos you want to make and all the things you need to do about them. This way, you can consciously increase your traffic day by day based on a pre-established schedule.

2. Find the common ground!

You have already set your goals, and you have a content strategy plan in your hands. So you can come up with communication planning, for which it is essential to come up with a unified, instantly recognizable style in every video.

Never treat your audience as a crowd, because it can destroy your hard-working image in no time. The most important thing is to know exactly who and what you are talking about. This way you can create successful videos speaking the language used by your target audience. You can present the right questions, talk about the burning problems and introduce the most efficient solutions that are important to them.

How do you find out what style your audience is interested in?

  • Look at the posts on competing social media sites and check the feedback from the audience.
  • Read posts from popular and lesser-known forums, especially by analyzing the conversations between commenters.
  • Talk to them in real life, as much as possible!

If you have found the common ground, stick to this style. Don’t change your tone from video to video, because the main goal of content making is to build an acknowledged and reliable brand in the eyes of your audience.

3. Create!

Whether you are planning Facebook, Instagram and YouTube video campaigns, always remember that videos are so popular online because they can be created in millions of ways.

Rely on proven video formats, but always incorporate the uniqueness of your brand. So instead of experimenting and wasting time, you just have to make the videos based on your pre-set schedule. Whether you want to create vlogs, funny and cute content or educational and scientific videos, success always depends on the invested amount and quality of your work.

TIP: Have at least one CTA (call to action) in every video! That way, after watching your videos, your audience can start moving in the direction you’ve assigned them.

You can create your own video content strategy using the 3 easy to follow steps above. Stay close to your main topic, find the common ground with your audience, and work passionately!

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